Friday, January 10, 2014

Hukum Beli Emas Secara Ansuran Tangguh 2014

Salam Jumaat yang mulia buat semua, berjumpa kembali kita setelah lama tiada post baru di blog ini:)

Hari ini saya nak post mengenai hukum jual beli emas secara ansuran. Atas kekeliruan saya sekian lama, sebelum ini akhirnya terjawab juga.

Sebab saya pernah tanya beberapa ustaz agama akademi di UIA, mereka kata TIDAK BOLEH JUAL BELI EMAS SECARA BERTANGGUH ( FULL STOP TANPA  PENJELASAN DETAIL ).

Jadi saya rasa iaNYA seperti tidak praktikal dengan keadaan sekarang, ramai orang berjual beli emas secara online, menjadikan penghantaran barang kemasnya memakan masa beberapa hari.

Jadi saya tak nak ulass panjang dan bukan bermaksud nak memandai2 dalam bab hukum hakam ini....

saya akan bagi link untuk panduan kita semua, merujuk dan pertimbangkan. MEMANDANGKAN INI PERKARA KHILAF, jadi pilihan anda yang manapun ia TIDAK SALAH !! jadi tidak perlu was was dan tidak perlu berbalah siapa salah siapa betul.  ISLAM ini mudah.


1. Hukum jual beli emas secara tangguh adalah tidak boleh mengikut satu pendapat seperti yang di tulis di blog ustaz zaharuddin. rujukan   Link : Blog Ustaz Zaharuddin

2. Hukum jual beli ema ssecara tangguh juga TIDAK BOLEH mengikut seperti yang digariskan majlis fatwa pada bulan 9 NOVEMBER 2013  LINK : E-FATWA

3. Boleh dan Tidak Boleh Beli secara tangguh dan ansuran : Link  ( sama dengan no.3 dibawah


latest update sekarang pada waktu post yang saya buat ini.... HUKUM JUAL BELI EMAS SECARA BERTANGGUH DAN ANSURAN ADALAH DIBOLEHKAN !!!


link untuk tuan-tuan rujuk adalah seperti dibawah :

1. Orang gen-Y gen-Z kata. ustaz youtube  Link : Ustaz Azhar Idrus Youtube - boleh beli emas ansuran & tangguh

2. Ustaz Zulkifli Sunnah Emas Link : Ustaz Zulkifli Youtube -

2.1 Boleh beli emas ansuran & emas secara tangguh mengikut pendapat pertama kerana mereka lihat wang kertas sudah hilang hubungannya dengan emas dan perak.

2.2 TIDAK BOLEH beli emas ansuran & emas secara tangguh jika mereka menganggap wang fiat/kertas mempunyai ilah yang sama dengan emas dan perak.

3. Boleh Jual beli emas secara bertangguh dan ansuran.

Sumber : Link sila rujuk mukasurat di Page 13 

4. BOLEH dari Majlis Fatwa sendiri di post pada bulan 2 January 2014. 

Berikut adalah jawapan majlis fatwa mengenai beli barang kemas 916 secara ansuran dan tangguh:

rujukan sini : Link Majlis Fatwa Beli Emas secara Ansuran


Oleh itu, ada kalanya juga ia perlu diberi ruang dan terserah kepada ketakwaan dan kewarakan setiap individu dalam menentukan pilihannya.

Menurut Rariq al-Misriyy (1997 : 56), pandangan Ibn Taymiyyah dan muridnya, Ibn al-Qayyim telah menyelesaikan tiga masalah utama para peniaga barangan kemas secara serentak. Masalah itu ialah meraikan lebihan kepada pertukangan, jual beli bertangguh dan pemisahan batu permata dalam menentukan hargA.

Selain itu ia juga membantu peniaga dan bakal pembeli emas yang kurang berkemampuan juga.

Jawapan Majlis Fatwa : 

hukum asal bagi emas perhiasan 999, adalah ia merupakan item ribawi yang perlu memenuhi syarat-syaratnya, sekalipun ia dikatakan sebagai emas perhiasan. Kecuali ada bukti bahawa hukumnya sama dengan emas perhiasan 916 yang sudah dimasukkan unsur pertukangan dan terkeluar dari illah al-thamaniyyah kepada sil’ah (barangan).

: maknanya jika anda menjual barang kemas 999 ( cth rantai atau cincin atau goldbar pamp/gsr/gcp/pg  ) sudah tentulah ianya ada kos upah tukang yang mesti dideclarekan, kerana tanpa upah tukang ianya adalah emas ketul yang kasar yang boleh jatuh dalam kategori barangan ribawi.

Jika jual beli didapati meragukan. SILA TINGGALKAN.

SEKIAN. Jadi mengikut pendapat manapun anda adalah benar mengikut apa yang anda faham berdasarkan nas di atas. ia tidak haram secara mutlak.


p/s : saya akan update post ini dari masa ke semasa. sekian.


  1. salam..apakah hkum membeli emas secara ETA..contohnya saya membeli emas ETA 30 saya bayar secara tunai tetapi emas saya dapat setelah tempoh 30 hari..adakah itu dibenarkan? dan adakah ianya bebas riba?

    1. eta dan bertangguh tu sama la, melainkan konsep tangguh tu disebabkan proses tempahan. contoh awak beli barang harga 100, tapi barang xsiap lagi, so awak tak boleh la bayar RM100 tu pada penjual sebab barang xsiap lg,konsepnya bendanya kena ada depan mata baru boleh bayar. Kalo ETA, awak memang setuju nak beli barang harga 100, awak bayar RM100 tapi dapat sebulan lagi, so itu bukan urusan jual beli la. Awak bayar barang yang belum ade even penjual kata dah ada. Disitu, penjual boleh amek duit pelanggan dan dia boleh manipulate duit pelanggan untuk jual beli emas lain sementara dia ada masa nak bagi barang awak tu. Senang kata penjual mengambil deposit secara illegal la.

      Pendapat saya, mmg tak patut la kalau mcm tu, penjual dah guna duit kita untuk benda lain sedangkan barang yang sepatutnya kita beli boleh dapat on the spot (melainkan kita setuju la barang yg kita beli tu kena tempah dulu, tapi tempah dulu pon kita bukan bayar 100% kan). Itu yang tak digalakkan bila ada kes beli emas eta tapi sampai skrg seller senyap melarikan diri. Kita nak elak benda2 macam ni la.

      Maafkan saya kalau saya silap pemahaman.

  2. As Salam,saya nak bertanyakan mengenai konsep ETA(Estimate Time Arrival).Mohon penjelasan,

    1. eta (999) tanpa proses pengilangan adalah haram.

    2. sudah terbukti hikmahnya... sila rujuk di pos2 facebook group yang meroyan akibat tersangkut jual beli emas eta.

      yang buruk lebih banyak dari yang baik

  3. As Salam,

    bagaimana jika saya menjual barang kemas secara ansuran kepada kenalan?..barang kemas di berikan on the spot..bayaran bermula bulan depan?

    Sekian terima kasih

    1. man, jual barang kemas secara ansuran tiada isu syariah. boleh

  4. Sama isu eta, kalau kita beli kaedah online. Sbb syarikat tu jauh. kita tgk harga semasa cth harga harini rm160/gram, n nak beli 1 gram goldbar, lepas tgk harga semasa terus kita bayar melalui online guna cth maybank2u, dan resit itu kita hantar kpd syarikat, setelah itu syarikat akan bagi pin belian dan kita hanya tggu proses penghantaran melalui pos utk dpt emas d tangan...adakah ia dikategorikan sbg transaksi ribawi atau dibolehkan?

  5. Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking. Beli Emas Terpakai

  6. Assalamualaikum..nak tnya..sya jual emas kecil kecilan, cash dan hui sya kwn² rmai mnta buat ansuran selama 6bln..sya risau sbb ada ulama berkata ia haram..mohon pencerahan..tq in advance..

  7. Please share to all Malaysian MCA Members,
    Some MCA leaders such as YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer, MCA Gombak) and Yip Jiun Hann (MCA Gombak youth) are immoral and their names are very bad in Selangor. Especially in Kepong, Selayang, Rawang and other places, such as eating money SAMNAK SAMBODHI, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, damaging other people's families …… ..behaving so badly.
    They are trying to tell us to support Donald lim Siang Chai, if this group wins in the MCA party, I am sure the MCA party will sink forever in Malaysia
    Don't fall into the trap, support Dr. Wee Ka Siong

    请远离马华党员 叶金福!

    现在世界各先进国都盡力保存佛教的文化和保护佛教的僧侶,但马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak Chairman) 却反其道而行, 帶一般流垊到佛教埾地(SAMNAK SAMBODHI THAI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, NO: 19 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA)試圄摧毁佛教文化, 挑衅和打架, 并电招警方人員要扣留佛寺沙彌, 这种不按佛教條规, 軽视佛教精神的行动, 对世界佛教信徒实有侮辱之举, 的确令人不敢恭维.

    除此之马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)也利用杖势, 連众人朝拜的印度廟TAMAN DAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR 放火燒毁把土地佔为已有, 马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak Chairman)这种冒犯宗教的不良行为, 已引起廣大的大马人民愤怒而不满, 所以, 在耒屇的大选, 希望马华公会的中央领神, 能深明大義, 对此娄党员, 最好疏薳距离, 以免影响选票, 造成马华公会大大的败北, 遗恨江山此致, 并祝安康, 工作快乐.

  9. Dear people who are benevolent in the Dharma

    I would like to use this language to spread the bitter experience that actually happened in the Buddhist Association of Buddhists, Nos. 19-21 JLAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR. Malaysia

    I resent the president of the MCA Gombak Division (Yip Kum Fook) and the President of the Buddhist Association of Priests (Yip Kum Fook) because they used a vile and arrogant method to lead a group of people from other places. to provoke and trample on the sacred Without a reasonable reason to call the police to detain a monk until he is humiliated by Buddhists.

    I hereby ask, what serious sin did Lawyer Yip Kum Fook commit to the extent that Mr. Yip Kum Fook, by means of lawyers or by criminals, called the police to imprison a monk like him?

    i am from Penang I'm a took a temporary break at the Buddhist Association for Fellowships to study and learn Dharma practice while at the temple I couldn't stand the behaviour of lawyer Yip Kum Fook. Your impolite, arrogant, and impeccable attitude towards the abbot of the temple.

    Because I spoke a few words about your behaviour with you. So you use dirty methods. This is to injure the monks. It is unacceptable and a very bad example.

    for the principal If his and her students have committed an offense The police had to meet with the principal. try to understand the real situation before the police take any action. This is normal practice.

    Unfortunately, Yip Kum Fook's lawyer who himself is a lawyer chose to do so.

    Otherwise, he did not follow the teachings of Buddhism and disrespect the spirit of Buddhism just to show that he was the powerful President of the Gombak Volunteer Division and the President of the Buddhist Association. He called on the police to detain the monk to know his motives.

    It is very fortunate that the fact that religion is a sensitive matter. Even the Malay police understand and respect the religion, culture and customs of other communities so they are in no hurry to take action. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

    I can understand why Yip Kum Fook's lawyers are outraged and burst into flames. The main reasons are as follows. Abbot of the Buddhist Association of Buddha. He was an abbot for 20 years. He was an architect and played an important role in raising funds for people to build temples.

    The abbot panicked to find that a new man like him, Yip Kum Fook, a lawyer; The chairman of MCA Gombak was not involved in the talks. His speech was beautifully decorated with humanity, virtue and morality.

    but in practice He tends to equalize the marginalized and drive away those who make eye contact with him. The temple board instead of most of his relatives. Moreover, the temple funds were not managed transparently. Ultimately, his real motive was to turn the sacred and pristine grounds into the political headstone and political base. and from places of worship as private property

    The abbot was well aware of what had happened. but in order to maintain the health of all temples He gave the good intentions advice of lawyer Yip Kum Fook. But the advice was not well received. This made the lawyer Yib Khum Fook unhappy. restless and run away like crazy instead of listening to advice Instead, he used every opportunity to create problems and persecute the abbot and monks in order not to stay and leave the temple any longer.

    Lawyer Yip Kum Fook and chairman of MCA Gombak, with a clear villain design and a sly style known to everyone... Your sweet words can deceive and deceive some people at times. But you can't do it all the time. The destiny of Buddhism will surely occur.

    Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to bless you. Ask the lawyer Yip Kum Fook to wake up to the truth. Repent before it's too late, do good, refrain from evil.

    your Dhamma

    Ven. Phra Piyathammo

    Penang, Malaysia

  10. Sila kongsi dan majukan kepada semua rakan-rakan

    Kami ingin memaklumkan kepada semua tentang YIP KUM FOOK, presiden KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, YIP KUM FOOK tidak pernah memalukan orang ramai tentang beliau selalu berbohong, menipu, menghina ajaran Buddha, dll.

    Baru-baru ini ramai yang memperkatakan tentang perwatakannya, sebelum ini dia seorang pemandu lori yang menghantar perabot ke mana-mana, kemudian dia belajar kursus undang-undang di beberapa universiti tetapi kita tidak tahu dia belajar kursus atau tidak kerana dia tidak tahu undang-undang, dia menipu orang. dimana - mana. dan bagaimana peguam boleh menipu orang tanpa rasa takut pada undang-undang

    Harap semua orang harus mengambil berat tentang nama ini YIP KUM FOOK (PEGUAM ATAU MCA GOMBAK PENGERUSI DAN PRESIDEN KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI), juga perlu dikongsi dan dimajukan kepada semua. Jika tersilap langkah, anda akan kehilangan segala-galanya, lelaki atau YIP KUM FOOK ini sangat bahaya dan anaknya (YIP JIUN HANN) juga yang paling bahaya.


  11. 敬爱的佛教信土:

    最近, 在网络上看了PHRA PIYATHAMMO和尚和马华公会鸱唛区主席叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师的双方信件, 使我的内心久久不能平伏, 良心受到很大的譴責, 不吐訢不痛快, 所以我要誠恳的説:他叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)侓师叫外来的流流氓到三宝寺(暹廟)挑衅和尚打架及电招警方人员扣捕沙彌, 其嘲笑手法, 不外是要显示其权力, 而鞏固其职位, 以达到权力就是一切, 好让住持难堪, 自动離开, 方便行事……这种举动, 已间接的表逹其含意, 住持和尚兼顾问, 都无能为力,你们这些信徒能做什么?即使告马耒西亜佛教总会又能为难什么?这种心态, 的硧令人反感, 不是一个正信佛教者应有的行为。

    至今, 三宝寺的理事成员多数是其親戚, 这是实事, 加入会员需交RM100元费用,同时,必须经过叶金福(Yip Kum Fook)律师的同意,否则免談, 所以会员也不多。

    马华公会鹅唛区主席叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师,自控制三宝寺之後,把三宝寺(暹廟)当着私人產業,聘用和尚賺钱,利用佛教的道地为政治活动埸所,而处理三宝寺的钱财也不透明?这点,值得信众追问。马来西亚地擴人多,和尚也不缺乏,为什么不用本地和尚当任住持化缘,却偏偏劳心劳神,浪费签证费,交通费? 还要烦劳梹城佛总的推荐信, 向文化不同, 而語言又不通之千哩外囯缅旬和尚求助? 为什么….为什么? 只要我们用头脑想一想,便一日了然, 不必晝虎添足。

    叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak )律师说:欢迎任何人如有意见,可以电话03:62762369/0122039700 Email: YIPKUMFOOK@HOTMAIL.COM 戓到其马华公会鹅唛区会甲洞三宝寺及以下地圵:NO.2,B JALAN 53 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 SELANGOR, MALAYSIA.討論, 我要老实的提醒大家, 最好不要一个去見他, 因为这个人狡滑, 笑裡藏刀, 很阴险, 出家人都不放在眼裡, 連TAMAN DAYA 52100 KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR. 众人的印度廟也敢放火燒, 利用权势把场地佔为己有, 由此可见, 他是何等的心毒? 还有现在三宝寺内, 各处都按裝计孔监视来人一举一动。

    目前, 三宝寺很多信徒及当地居民, 已经对叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak )律师不满, 但也不能做什么。他计划把三宝寺主席的职位轉给其子YIP JIUN HANN律师, 续承皇朝. 想近一部了觧詳情, 可上网得知。

    再说, 根据前理事在网络上给叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师的批評, 説他懂得包裝自己的道德守则, 以宗教为幌子手, 到处募款, 啇業经营, 政治活动为重, 并没依循佛教守則行事, 也没对人道作出貢献, 只不过借三宝寺宗教之名捞取权和私利而己, 其言也不为过, 是实事。

    在此, 我恳切希望, 廣大的佛教信仰者, 给予关注, 并共創義举, 弘扬佛教. 谢谢。

    Mr Lim Sok Chia敬啟
    Ms Yap

    forwarded by Mr Lee

  12. We are a SAMNAK SAMBODHI group that opened in Taman Ehsan move to Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong in 1992, then Temple has bought the place as it is now the place

    As such, we are a set of committee members for our SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. Shia Kok Sun president at that time, then YIP KUM FOOK took over from Shia Kok Sun without any meeting

    Shia Kok Sun & family worked hard to develop our Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Temple, when YIP KUM FOOK became president, then slowly problems arose because this YIP KUM FOOK was political, all ideas about politic

    At that time YIP KUM FOOK was the MCA in Taman Daya, Kepong, also this YIP KUM FOOK was playing politics at the Temple because he needed to gather more supporters for politics, sometimes he invited some politicians to join the ceremony at the Temple

    This YIP KUM FOOK pushed the monk out of the Temple and also called the police to arrest the Buddhist monk, then he closed the temple door and cheated people money and cheated Myanmar monk’s money

    He is called Datuk but we do not mention Datuk because we are ashamed of people, if we call him Datuk, this is a shame for our Sultan of Selangor because of the title from the sultan of Selangor

    We do not say more, everyone can research on the internet, if everyone would like to know more information about YIP KUM FOOK, please go to GOOGLE & YOUTUBE, also please share and forward to everyone

    By Ms Chan and Buddhist group, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, KL

  13. If anyone receives or reads a message on the internet, please inform YIP KUM FOOK who is the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, and ask him to resign all positions at the Temple as soon as possible

    We Buddhists are too embarrassing and this YIP KUM FOOK is doing too many dirty things for our Buddhists, now the whole world knows what the problem is SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE but this YIP KUM FOOK still doesn’t feel anything

    This YIP KUM FOOK but still don't know anything and still holds the position of president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, why! He doesn’t embarrass people, maybe he’s out of brain balance

    YIP KUM FOOK is a lawyer, MCA Gombak, Datuk, President of Buddhist Temple etc. ... why did he do bad things and he is not loved and protect his family, in the future his family will suffer forever because they will face gossip people

    By Buddhist Maha Vihara
    (Buddhist Dhamma groups)
    123, Jalan Berhala, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
    Share by Dr. Kevin

  14. The largest rebel to Buddhist and Hindu in Malaysia who is YIP KUM FOOK and he is a lawyer in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, maybe his lawyer is fake certificate because he is not like someone who studied law. Lawyers must be at least 6 years to study, but we're the same age, but we've never seen him take that class because of YIP KUM FOOK is busy with a furniture store business in Kepong area

    He ordered the people to burn the Hindu Temple in Taman Daya, Kepong because at that time he was the MCA chairman in Taman Daya and he had power there, the other because he needed a place to set up his furniture shop business

    In Buddhism, he was the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong in 1994, before the president of the temple was SHIA KOK SUN, YIP KUM FOOK this joined the committee members then he rejected SHIA KOK SUN, then he took over as president

    Happened at the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, from him taking over the presidential temple, was never peaceful and always a problem because he was a trouble maker, pushing the old committee and various making a mess in the Temple

    Instead, he defrauded a Myanmar monk (ven. Nandiya) of about rm20,000.00, called police and gangster to remove the Buddhist monk, a monk is from Penang (Ven. Piya Dhammo), and ordered his group to lock down the temple

    YIP KUM FOOK will receive his Karma in what he does, all the GODS have seen and always commented on him and he will suffer forever in this life and the next life… all need to care about YIP KUM FOOK…

    Description by Cikgu cheong

  15. The secretary of SAMNAK SAMBODHI (YAP LEONG LAN) said, the temple always problems and she does not know what is always the problem and who always make problems, the problem does not stop because all donations and income from dirty money or fraudulent money

    This Temple built by Sangha members and devotees in Kepong or in Malaysia 30 years ago, the first in Taman Ehsan, moved Taman Desa Jaya, whose devotees are recorded in their minds always, need to think correctly, not destroy Buddhist shrines, the founders are not easy to set up in the beginning

    All committees need to take care of the Buddhist Temple because you work there and take care of there but, it is not easy for all things in the Temple and you need to know is the age of technology, everyone needs to use the internet for research

    Also don't make Buddha ashamed because Buddha teachings are very important for human beings in the world and don't think, Buddha teachings are for people in Kepong area only, please don't destroy Buddha because Buddha is one of the great religions in the world, UN also praises Buddha

    We know your boss YIP KUM FOOK (president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI, lawyer, datuk….) but sometimes he cannot help your forever because YIP KUM FOOK so many people gossip on him in internet

    Sharing by Buddhist group in Kepong

  16. man like YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) is too heavy to live in this world because he was born to destroy others, he cheated and harassed monks (Sangha), and he did not benefit others, why does he want to live longer? die better a person like this

    but YIP KUM FOOK doesn't know the Sangha, he doesn't know the Buddhist monk community, he easily destroyed Buddhist monks and drove Buddhist monks out of the temple, maybe he was convinced to do destroy Buddhist monks

    you study law but you do not understand Buddhist teachings and practices of Dharma, how do you know the rules of Buddhist monks, if you know Buddhist karma, you will not mistakenly disturb the Buddhist monks, if you are in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and others. You will be shaken and suffer

    shared by Goh, Kajang

  17. YIP KUM FOOK main politik di Kuil Buddha (SAMNAK SAMBODHI), dia tolak AJK yang siapa lawan dengan dia, AJK dari pengasas YIP KUM FOOK pun tolak, YIP KUM FOOK ni hati sangat fikirannya kotor dan jahat manusia.

    YIP KUM FOOK sangat bodoh dan kurang pendidikan, kalau dia pandai, dia tak akan kacau dan menolak Ven. Phra Piya Dhammo keluar dari Kuil Buddha(SAMNAK SAMBODHI), jika dia cukup pandai, dia perlu menyemak dulu Ven. Phra Piya Dhammo ialah siapa dan dari mana?

    Anda seorang peguam dan DATUK tak boleh berfikir dalam perkara biasa, ini amat memalukan kepada Sultan Selangor yang memberi gelar Datuk kepada anda, jika Sultan Selangor tahu perkara ini, Sultan Selangor mengambil kembali gelaran itu.

    Seperti undang-undang bersekutu Malaysia mengetahui tentang anda menipu orang, mereka akan menutup pejabat peguam anda (YIP KUM FOOK & ASSOCIATES, Kuala Lumpur No. 2A & B, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur), jika anda benar-benar belajar undang-undang, mungkin anda tidak melakukan (tak berani) membuat kejahatan seperti itu


  18. Kini, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong adalah satu berita yang sangat buruk kerana salah seorang ahli politik melakukan kerja kotor di Kuil Buddha dan membawa sistem politik bermain di kuil sehingga ahli masyarakat lari dan presiden Kuil ini (Samnak Sambodhi). ) ialah Datuk Yip Kum Fook yang merupakan bekas pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya , Kepong dan pengerusi MCA Gombak

    Lelaki ini (Datuk Yip) selalu menelefon polis untuk menangkap sami Buddha dan menutup pintu Kaabah untuk tidak membenarkan sami Buddha masuk untuk menginap, semua sami Buddha terpaksa menyewa hotel untuk seketika...Mr Tan dan Kelemahan Encik Wah pada hari itu, pasukannya, samseng dan dua anggota polis datang mengganggu Ven. Phra Piyadhamma (Pulau Pinang atau bekas CID dari Singapura)

    Sejak kejadian itu, ramai penganut meninggalkan kuil kerana di kuil, mereka melakukan perkara yang tidak baik, kini jawatankuasa mengambil sami Buddha Myanmar untuk berkhidmat kerana mereka tidak mengambil berat tentang masalah Kuil sebelum ini atau Datuk Yip Kum Fook...ini seorang yang sangat kotor kerana dia boleh menipu semua orang

    Kini Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan pasukannya akan menderita dan terluka kerana ramai yang tahu apa yang berlaku...ada yang ramai tidak suka Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan dia akan tahu apakah dosa terbesar dalam agama Buddha?

    Dikongsi oleh Ah Wah, Selayang Jaya

  19. We are members of the Buddhist Temple in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur and we have been issued membership by the president (DATUK YIP KUM FOOK), we are very sad because we are the foundation of this Temple

    Now we can know who is always messing with people, and he always cheats money and women, he even uses Buddhism to find money.

    Also, need to be careful with his brother-in-law (Simon Low Kok Meng) because he is a spy (CID) for DATUK YIP KUM FOOK and we will write some letters to AGONG SULTAN IBRAHIM IBN ALMARHUM SULTAN ISKANDAR as soon as possible.

    From Jesmond Yap, Kepong Baru…Kuala Lumpur

  20. If DATUK YIP KUM FOOK studied, he would know that a lawyer is a person who practices law. The role of a lawyer is very different, across different legal jurisdictions. A lawyer can be classified as an advocate, barrister, solicitor, canon lawyer, civil law notary, barrister, solicitor, law executive, and civil servant.

    Minimum of 3Cs in SPM (or equivalent) Minimum of 2Es in A-Level or 2Cs in STPM (or equivalent) A recognised 3-year Law Degree with passes in 6 core subjects and graduated within 6 years of initial registration with the university.

    Gaining knowledge in subjects such as psychology, sociology, or anthropology can provide insights into human behavior and societal dynamics that prove beneficial when interacting with clients and handling difficult legal matters. On a related note, foreign language skills can also be critically helpful.

    We suspect him, maybe he is not going for subject law because he has never known the law, and he always cheated people

    By Mr. Lim, Kepong Baru, Kuala Lumpur

  21. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK banyak melakukan kejahatan kepada orang di kawasan Kepong, lelaki (Datuk Yip) ini mengganggu ramai isteri orang, membakar Kuil Hindu di Taman Daya, mengeluarkan sami Buddha dari Kuil di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, dan menipu wang.

    ENCIK SIMON LOW KOK MENG (Taman Daya) adalah pembantu (CID) Datuk Yip atau abang iparnya, berapa ramai yang memboikot mereka, Banyak sangat masalah di kawasan Kepong, kerana Datuk Yip Pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya, Kepong. . , dia dibayar wang kepada polis dan DBKL untuk mengganggu orang ramai, dan sebagainya

    YIP KUM POH No: 19B, Jalan Sg 1/9, Taman Industri Bolton, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor Malaysia (pejabat peguam) YIP KUM POH bukan peguam tetapi boleh membuka pejabat peguam, dia adalah adik lelaki Datuk Yip Kum Fook….”MALAYSIA BOLEH”

    Kami tidak senang ketika itu kerana kami berada di bawah kawalan MCA di tempat kami, dan juga Datuk Yip telah digunakan oleh Gangster di kawasan Kepong dan Gombak, kami tidak berharap kepada MCA lagi dan kami adalah kumpulan yang meletak jawatan dari MCA

    Kami telah mendengar, bahawa AGONG MALAYSIA (Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim) telah mengambil kembali (Tarik) GELARAN DATUK (Datuk's title), dan kami akan menulis kepada Agong tentang perkara ini

    DATUK YIP KUM FOOK (Lawyer) tidak fikir orang bodoh dan anda boleh menghina Buddha dan Hindu tetapi tentang Islam, anda dihina jika anda tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal.

    Oleh Ah Keong, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
